3 thoughts on “Foot gold 999.99 hard?”

  1. Not hard, 999 enough gold is soft. 999 Football is a thousand full gold with a gold content of 99.99 %. 9999 is 999999999.99 million yuan. The higher the gold content, the softer the gold will be. , It's better to have a lot of money and stronger support.

  2. Generally, the hardness of the thousands of gold is Mo's hardness 2.5, which is similar to human nails.
    Thousand -footed gold has the characteristics of good ductility and small hardness. Pure gold is folded and soft, and the bronze strips are laborious

  3. 999足金是软的。 999 belongs to thousands of gold, it is soft and because of its characteristics, as follows

    1, the hardness of thousands of hard gold is 4 times the traditional thousands of gold, it is not easy to wear, scrape, deform, and three -dimensional.感更强,更容易保养。 rnrn2、千足硬金具高耐磨性,细致轻巧,佩戴舒适等特点,适合做成首饰等饰品;千足金质地较软,更多制作成为金条,供投资所用的,或者是一些工艺简单的首饰。 rnrn3、千足硬金就是金含量为99.9%,与普通足金999纯度一致。

    999 The difference between gold and hard gold:

    1, hard gold is actually one of many gold. Gold has a characteristic that the texture is relatively soft. Of course, this feature is also identified黄金真假的一个标准。硬金但是它用新方法制成的“硬”黄金,其质地教普通黄金较硬。所以行业里就把它称为rnrn2、硬金其实是合金,虽然有金成分,但颜色没有千足金亮丽。

    3. Due to the improvement of hardness, the design and technology have been greatly liberated. Some fine and exquisite styles cannot be made, and the 3D hard gold foot gold method is made.强,并且镶嵌宝石的难题也得到了完美解决。 rnrn扩展资料:rnrn镀金、足金、软金、硬金 那个值钱 ,怎么买?

    1. Foot gold (soft gold) is the most valuable, and the corresponding explanation is given according to the order of the subject:

    2. , Outside a layer of gold/powder, generally silver -plated and copper -plated;

    3. Foot gold: The most valuable gold bars are preserved. “足金”、“999”、“99.9%”等;rnrn4.软金:是足金的另一个称呼;rnrn5.硬金:在首饰店It is generally called 3D hard gold, which is a golden technology. The interior of the accessories is hollow, which makes it significantly larger than the Tongke's heavy gold jewelry. Generally, it is pieces of pieces of pieces of pieces.

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