5 thoughts on “Idioms related to jewelry”

  1. 1. Pearl light
    Idioms pinyin zhū guāng bǎo qì
    Idiom explanation: Describes the gorgeous and glorious decoration of clothes. Pearls and treasures: refers to jewelry; light and gas: refers to shining light.
    Idioms Source: Qing Liushan Fang "Nine Terms": "Although there are not many more than a few pieces, but the pearls and treasures, the 晔 晔 人 人."
    2. Idiom Pinyin mǎi dú huán zhū
    Idioms Explanation: 椟: wooden box; pearl: pearl. I bought the box of Sheng Pearl; but returned the pearls in the box. The metaphor has no vision; improper selection.
    Idioms Source: The Warring States Han -Hanfei "Han Feizi Foreign Reserve Says the left": "The Chu people sell their pearls to Zheng, for the cabinet of Mulan, laurel peppers, bead jade, roses, compile to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it to use it. Yu Cui, Zheng people buy it and pay back its pearls. "
    3. Bei Xunzhu Palace
    Idiom Pinyin Bèi Què zhū gōng
    Idiom explanation: Palace made with pearls. Describe the gorgeous house.
    Idioms Source: Song Huang Tingjian's "Gong Ting Lake" poem: "Baiyouzhu Gong Kaishui Mansion, why is the Yudong wind curtain?" Hé
    Idioms Explanation: Golden: Women's jewelry; 钿 钿: boxes of jewelry. Legend has it that Tang Xuanzong and Yang Guifei are determined by the affection. Refers to the gorgeous jewelry
    The source of the idiom: Tang Chen Hong's "Song of Everlasting Hate": "On the day of the meeting, play" Niushu Yu Yi "to guide it; "
    5. Maruta Flower
    Idiom Pinyin jiù tóu huā diàn
    Idiom interpretation: Describes ugly women's thick makeup
    Idioms Source:" Sea Records · Literature · Fu "
    6. Donation of Shenzhu
    Idioms. Pinyin juān jīn chén zhū
    Idioms Interpretation: Do not greedy money, do not want to wealth
    Idioms Source: Han Lu Jia "New Words · Spell"
    7. Jade Broken Pearl Sundance
    Idioms Pinyin yù suì zhū chén
    Idioms Explanation: metaphor for beauty death.
    Idioms Source: "Regenerative Fate" 29th: "If it is not Kui Yan's conspiracy, how to get it, once the jade crushing pearl is sinking."
    8. jī
    Idioms Explanation: Pearls, 玑: All jewelry, round -called beads, non -rounded calls. Describe speaking.
    Idioms Source: Yuan Wuming's "Drunk Writing Chibi Fu" the first fold: "Because Mrs. I heard that Su Shi had a splendid, spitting pearls, and the talent of the world."
    9. R n Idioms Pinyin yùn dú cáng zhū
    Idioms Explanation: 韫: 藏.椟: wooden box. Refinding the jewelry in the wooden box, waiting for high prices to be sold. The metaphor is to be available or receded.
    Idioms Source: Yuan Wuming's "Young Liang Ji": "Restaurant sleeps, rights rest, hidden dust of Zhuzhu, thousands of miles away."
    10. Idiom Pinyin zhū chén yù mò
    Idioms Explanation: metaphor for women 殒 殒 殒 殒 殒 殒 殒 殒 殒 殒 殒 n Idioms: Tang Qin Guan "The Madam of the Madam of Zhengfu Jun in the Tang Dynasty" The jade is not good, who is the same, Gui Lan is withered, crying together. "
    11. Zhu Shenyu broken
    Idiom pinyin zhū chén yù suì
    Idioms explanation: metaphor beauty death Essence
    Idioms Source: Qing Wenkang's "Children's Heroes Biography" 18th: "If you want to mention the knife, you want to go down to the item, fight this pair of moon appearance, and make a group of pearls and jade crushes. "
    12. Pearl Palace
    The idiom pinyin zhū gōng bèi què
    Idiom explanation: palace made of pearl. Describe the gorgeous house.
    Idioms Source: Warring States Chu Quyuan "Nine Songs · He Bo": "Fish -scale House Xi Longtang, Zibei Xi Zhu Gong."

  2. [Beiyuzhu Palace]: Palace made with pearls. Describe the gorgeous house.

    [Golden 钿 钿 钿]: Golden: Women's jewelry; 钿 钿: box of jewelry. Legend has it that Tang Xuanzong and Yang Guifei are determined by the affection. Refers to gorgeous jewelry.

    [Maruta Flower 钿]: Marror: It looks like a head like a stone mortar; flowers: There are flower blooming jewelry made of golden jewelry. Describe the ugly women's thick makeup.

    [Donation of Gold Shenzhu]: Donation: Abandoned, discard the gold in the mountains, and throw jewelry in the lake. Describe not to be greedy for money, no extravagance for wealth.

    [Put the pearls of the mouth]: beads, 玑: all jewelry, round called beads, non -rounded calls. Describe speaking.

    [Jade Broken Pearl Sink]: Beautiful jade is broken, jewelry sinks. Metaphor of the death of beauty.

    [韫 椟 椟]: 韫: 藏.椟: wooden box. Refinding the jewelry in the wooden box, waiting for high prices to be sold. The metaphor is to be available or receded.

    [韫 匵]: 韫: Tibetan; 匵: wooden box. Tibetan jewelry in the box and wait for a high price to sell. The metaphor is to be available or receded.

    [没]: Meiyu is broken, jewelry sinks. Metaphor of the death of beauty.

    [Pearl sinking jade broken]: Beautiful jade is broken, jewelry sinks. Metaphor of the death of beauty.

    [Pearl Palace Bei 阙]: Palace made with pearls. Describe the gorgeous house.

  3. Pearl Guangbao Baozhu City Cake Bao Dao Wei Lao Bao Shanki Back to Bao Bao Buyou Buyou Miao Lianzhu Bi Bi Guanbao Ru Gao Bao's rare treasures, eyes, fishy eyes, pearls, wealth, wealth, babies Baoai Ai Ru Ru Bao was brown beads and a treasure of all goods, not greedy as the treasure, the pearl, the bead, the jade, the bead, the bead, the bead, the beads, the bin -incense car, the sword Pearl around Canghai Rita beads Cuizhu around the southeast of the treasure drip research pearl two dragon drama beads flying beads and flying beads splashing jade as the treasure, the bead of the bead, the bead of the bead, Buy cough and salva into a beads and fans. Such as the old mussel old mussel old mussel old mussels, the tire of the pearl of the pearl, the pearl is darkened, full of beads, the bead salary of the beads, the beef and yellow dog of the beef,

  4. Pearl light treasure, beads round jade, beads beads, golden crickets, jur head flowers, donating gold beads, spitting beads, jade crushing beads, 韫 椟, 韫 匵, Pear Gong Beiyi

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