What are the manifestations of a male orgasm? Do men have a G-spot

Experts say women should be aware of male orgasms. Exercise increases testosterone levels, which can help men get erections, and this androgen helps men support their team. Men have stronger orgasms when they have higher levels of testosterone in their blood. realsex doll: What does the male orgasm look like?

Do men have a G-spot?

Women are known to have a G-spot, a sensitive area. Stimulating this area during sex can help women achieve strong orgasms. In fact, men also have G's during sex, and by carefully managing those G's and providing appropriate stimulation, men experience the most powerful orgasms.

1. The perineum, which is rich in nerve endings, is one of the G's for men, and touching the perineum can help men achieve stronger orgasms. A man's perineum, located between the testicles and buttocks, is filled with nerve endings and is highly sensitive to external stimulation. Some men report multiple orgasms when pressing the perineum, which stimulates the prostate externally. During sex, the female partner can put her finger on this part of the partner to press the stimulation.

2. The prostate is also the G-spot of men. The prostate, a unique male organ, is also one of the G-spots of men. It can be stimulated externally by touching the perineum as described above. In addition, men also have some sensitive areas, if the couple is interested and adventurous, you can explore together and find more ways to improve male sex fast. The G spot. For example, some men's ears, chest, back, waist, etc. can be sensitive points. Of course, every man's situation is different, and this is something to explore for yourself and your lover. There are sex robots for sale.

3. Pelvic floor muscle groups contract. Don't think that Kegel training is specifically for women. In fact, men can practice, too. Kegel exercises are designed to contract pelvic floor muscle groups (love muscles), which can be very helpful in improving performance in both men and women, according to Alex Robey, a sex therapist in Philadelphia. If these muscles are well developed, men can control them during sex to increase the intensity of the orgasm.

4. Gently lift testicles. Before the male orgasm, the testicles automatically move closer to the body, increasing the force of the jet. As a result, slightly lifting the testicles when the male orgasm is just around the corner can be extremely stimulating for men. In addition to finding a man's G-spot, the right amount of caressing can enhance the feeling of orgasm, and men can also improve their physical fitness in daily life to make the body more suitable for the pursuit of orgasm.

5. Exercise to boost your testosterone levels. Testosterone helps men get erections. This androgen is produced when men support groups or watch hot-blooded movies or TV shows. The Military Hospital in Athens, Greece, found that men had stronger orgasms when they had higher levels of testosterone in their blood. So before you have sex, you might want to do something to boost your testosterone levels, such as a brisk walk.

6. During sex, focus on physical sensations. Sometimes, men have involuntary distractions during sex, such as how hot they think their partner is or recalling the most exciting porn movie they've ever seen. If you want to have a stronger orgasm, you should focus on physical sensations. Once you focus, you'll notice a big difference in how your body reacts.

7. Learn to control and slow your breathing. Men can perform sexual exercises according to their breathing rate. Find a rhythm and slow your breathing until it resonates with your movement. When the orgasm comes, you will find that the breathing starts to get faster, but you still have to work on slowing down the breathing as it increases blood flow and oxygen delivery to the sexual organs, making the orgasm stronger.

Two, the performance of male orgasm

Because of individual differences, everyone has a different Angle of erection. The size of the erectile horn is related to the pressure in the penis sponge. In general, men have their largest erectile horns around the age of 20. Men have different erectile angles. Most men have erect penis angles greater than 90 degrees (horizontal line up), about 120 degrees and 130 degrees. About 10 percent of the men had an erection with the right and left side close to the stomach, and another 5 percent had an erection Angle less than 90 degrees (down). In general, it is normal to complete intercourse and achieve sexual satisfaction. Most people have a vertical erection, and some have a slight curvature, which is also normal.

1. Psychological erection

When the male due to the relevant content of hearing, vision, smell, thinking, imagination to stimulate the cerebral cortex, through the spinal cord thoracolumbar erectile center, acting on the penile cavernosa, will expand the artery vessels, a large number of blood into the penile cavernosa; The blood vessels of the veins are constricted, the blood flow out of the cavernosa is reduced, and the blood is completely trapped in the rich blood vessels and sinuses of the cavernosa, making the penis quickly produce a psychological erection. In contrast, when arterial vessels constrict, blood flow to the cavernous body of the penis decreases; Weakness returns to the penis when the veins dilate and the rich blood flow trapped in the sponge quickly returns.

2. Reflexive erection

When the external genitals are subjected to local stimulation such as direct contact, walking friction, or internal stimulation of the rectum and bladder, reflex erections can be caused by stimulating sexual excitement in a lower erection by stimulating the sacral pulp in the spinal cord.

Priapism is innate, and male fetuses can get erections in utero. Little boys can also get hard erections after birth, and sometimes lying there to urinate causes urine to spray directly into the adult's face like a spring, often bringing unexpected laughter and pleasure to the changing parent, but erections have no sexual meaning.

Reflex erection is caused by stimulation of the genitalia itself by the infernal nerve and the sacral spinal erectile center. These two psychological and physical stimuli can work alone, interact, and engage in sexual activity together.

Factors affecting the male orgasm

1. Prejudice against sexual life due to inappropriate childhood education, psychological trauma caused by sexual harassment, religious influence or adult role models. For example, the idea that sexual intercourse is dirty and dirty, a sin, a pleasure for men and a pain for women, creates disgust, disgust and fear for sexual life.

2. Lack of knowledge about sex, fear of sex, fear of pain, or lack of understanding of the psychological differences between men and women. On the wedding night, the man is rude and impatient, and soon reaches orgasm and ejaculates, but the woman does not experience pleasure, but discomfort or pain, and even vaginismus. In the long run, you will become less and less interested in sex.

3. Worry, fear of pregnancy and unreliable contraception inhibit normal sexual satisfaction and can also lead to sexual apathy.

4. Poor living conditions, interfere with sex life, unhappy mood, lack of concentration, difficult to arouse sexual excitement.

Couples are not emotionally harmonious, mutual distrust, suspicion or antipathy, unable to produce sexual excitement.

6. The woman has a serious habit of masturbation, the pleasure of sexual intercourse after marriage is not strong enough, or the man has impotence, premature ejaculation and other sexual dysfunction, the woman can not get sexual satisfaction.

Men have small reproductive organs, or some kind of disease, which can cause women to feel dissatisfied.

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