3 thoughts on “India's reserve of 25,000 tons of gold has now become an economic burden. Why?”

  1. As the original form of currency, gold is still loved by most people in the world, and many people regard this as a symbol of wealth and face. For example, the gold necklaces, gold rings, gold bracelets, and the three golds used to buy when they are used to buy, and the three gold they are used to buy, this piece reflects that gold still has a pivotal position in the contemporary world.
    But the full month is full, and the full water overflows. As a valuable metal gold, it is normal for a small amount of purchases or hoarding. Once the accumulation is too much, the result may be the opposite.
    As India, India's 25,000 tons of gold ownership has made it the largest country in global gold holdings, but so many gold holdings have not become a symbol of their identity and face, but they have become its economic burden.
    In observing its phenomenon, the essence of its phenomenon is three reasons:
    . From the psychology, blindly follow the trend
    since the appearance of gold is a symbol of monetary money. In the early days The currency market was launched early, but the price of gold in people's minds only increased.
    It now, although gold is no longer the main form of currency, its "hard currency" name determines that it sometimes plays a more important role in bit currency.
    has still hoarded gold in large numbers to prepare for the domestic economy from time to time. Once an economic crisis occurs in China, gold as a recognized "hard currency" in the world will play a temporary emergency. When a global economic crisis occurs, it can also be used to regulate the balance of income and expenditure.
    The reserves of a country's gold can also cause the public's blind love for gold, and the people’s blindly follows the trend and guides people to purchase and reserve gold from public psychology. Essence
    For India, the accumulation volume of the Indian people has far exceeded the country's gold hoarding volume, but the public hoarding golden role is often their own family. Essence
    This is India, as a large amount of gold, but gold not only has not promoted the economic development of the country, but has become one of the main reasons for its economic burden.
    . Government gold reserves cannot keep up with domestic demand
    Indian people ’s large -scale hoarding gold is mainly affected by the Indian folk wedding customs. It is different from the symbol of the men's lottery money when marrying the newcomers in our country. When the newcomers in India are married, the woman needs to carry a large number of dowry, and she also needs to carry a large amount of gold jewelry when they get married.
    Due to the influence of this custom, Indian folk gold demand is much higher than that of the national government's reserves. In the case of insufficient national gold reserves, the demand of the people is not resolved. Often, the public will accumulate gold by their own methods and methods at this time.
    This phenomenon has caused the phenomenon of gold hoarding in the hands of the people higher than the gold hoarding volume of the national government. Therefore, the amount of gold ownership of 25,000 tons of India, in fact, most of the gold is in the hands of the people, and the national treasury is relatively empty.
    three, to be safe and dangerous, but it is counterproductive
    The status of the United States today determines the status of the US dollar in international currencies, and various countries have spontaneously increased gold by being controlled by the United States by the country's economic life. Reserve.
    It's starting point is a good phenomenon, which is safe and dangerous to prevent the country from being controlled by the United States. Excessive hoarding phenomenon. With the ups and downs of gold prices, excessive gold hoarding is not a good phenomenon.
    The should have a degree and cannot be excessive. India's reserves of gold at the beginning were to work hard for their own economic and social development, but because the country and the public were not well coordinated and excessive hoarding, it eventually caused a counterproductive effect.

  2. Because the excessive fiscal reserves are converted to gold reserves, it has reduced the investment in national development funds, causing the country's development to fall into a deadlock, and may even have negative growth!

  3. Because these large amounts of gold can only be placed in the vault, it cannot be effectively flowing, it cannot produce benefits, and it also needs to be managed.

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