1 thought on “Is there a commission with the old change in the golden shop?”

  1. There is no commission. But there are routines.
    Golders change the new routine:
    1. When you take the old gold to the jewelry gold shop to change the old, the shopping guide will definitely push you a price of gold as soon as possible.
    is that you first heavy the gold grams of gold, converted to the amount according to the retail price of the day, and then redeemed the price of gold in the price of gold.
    It looks at the equivalent to exchanged for you, but in fact, the price of gold is much lighter than your original gold, and some are even half lighter.
    2. In addition, the merchant will also engage in the routine of full gold for thousands of feet or thousands of feet, which is the four nine and five nine we often say!
    3. Of course, some merchants will also use the method of replacement to attract customers to change new, and it is indeed zero manual fee, without adding money.
    , but they often do not use pure gold to exchange pure gold, but they will use 3D hard gold, color gold, 18K gold, platinum, etc. to change your foot gold.

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